Problem: Dave Gerhardt, a seasoned B2B marketer, identified a gap in the market for a job board tailored to B2B marketers. With a strong online following and his community Exit Five, Dave wanted to help marketers find a job that they actually want.

Solution: After testing the waters with a Google Doc, Dave sought a more robust solution to manage job listings at scale. Niceboard’s no-code platform allowed Dave to create a beautiful job board matching his brand with minimal effort.

Impact: The Exit Five job board, powered by Niceboard, is now the go-to destination for B2B marketers, generating six figures in revenue. The platform's simplicity not only makes it easy for Dave to manage but also provides a user-friendly experience for employers posting jobs.
[Niceboard is] super simple to get setup and get your job listings live. The ease of use is a big thing, both for me and job posters. I also love the look of the site. Very clean.


With a successful online presence through social media, podcasts, and the Exit Five community, Dave understood the demand for real good job opportunities at companies that his B2B marketing community knows, trusts, and actually wants to work for.
Initially managing a job board manually in Google Docs, he realized the potential for success in a niche job board for his community.

So Dave set out to find a solution to scale his job board and connect more B2B marketers with relevant job opportunities…


Niceboard offered Dave a tech-enabled solution to scale the Exit Five job board. With minimal technical work, he seamlessly integrated our job board platform into his community, providing marketers with a forum to explore real job opportunities at trusted companies.

The whole premise of [the Exit Five] job board is to help marketers find a marketing job that they actually want. There’s way too many entry-level roles that require 6 years of experience, but encourage applicants fresh out of school. You see what I’m saying?


Today, the Exit Five B2B marketing job board generates six-figures in revenue and is used by over 10,000 marketers.

The clean design and easy use of Niceboard made a significant impact on Dave's job board. The platform's scalability and no-code interface allowed him to focus on his many other responsibilities.

Niceboard has given me a scalable, no-code way to run a job board. I've done minimal tech work, and the job board has generated six figures of revenue.