
Grow with us

Build your job board at your own pace and upgrade as you grow.


$179 / mo

$149 / mo

  • Customizable theme
  • Custom domain + SSL
  • Payments processing via Stripe
  • Live reporting
  • Google Jobs/SEO
  • 500 active jobs
  • Apply with resume
  • Up to 50,000 candidates
  • 2 team members
  • Blog functionality
  • Up to 4 pricing plans
  • Membership functionality
  • Backfill jobs
  • Coupon codes
  • Job alerts (5k subscribers)
  • Featured companies
  • 3 custom pages
  • Custom home page content
  • Dual pane theme
  • Custom code & CSS
  • Embedabble jobs feed


$499 / mo

$399 / mo

  • All Business features, plus:
  • 10,000 active jobs
  • Up to 500,000 candidates
  • Unlimited team members
  • Google Jobs real-time indexing
  • AI functionality for employers
  • Employer team member accounts
  • Unlimited custom pages
  • Include talent pool credits in job plans
  • Custom job pages (SEO)
  • Dual domain support
  • SEO redirects
  • Job alerts (25k subscribers)
  • XML import (100 imports / mo)
  • Custom data imports
  • Priority US-based support
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= $3,225 per month

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Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We've got answers.

How does it work?

Once you've signed up, you’ll create your job board and see it live instantly. You'll also get access to your personal dashboard where you can manage all aspects of your jobboard: from its appearance to job pricing, categories and more... When you're ready to launch, you can easily connect your job board to a custom domain!

How long will it take to set up?

Customers complete the initial set up in about 5-10 minutes, on average.

Can I connect my own domain?

Yes! You can connect any domain ( or subdomain ( to your job board.

Can I integrate Niceboard with an existing website or WordPress site?

Absolutely. Niceboard can be integrated with any existing website, whether using Wordpress or otherwise. Typically, our customers will connect a subdomain ( to their job board, then link back to it from their main site.
Alternatively, it is possible to embed job feeds directly on your existing website using our "embed" feature or API.

Can the job board be embedded into my website?

Our job board is a standalone product, and is mainly accessible on your custom domain or subdomain, but we do offer automatic embedabble job feeds, which you can display on any website you choose.

Do I have to pay extra for hosting?

No, Niceboard includes cloud-based hosting for your job board, as part of all plans.

Will you take a cut of my profits?

No: all the revenue your bring in is yours. We charge a flat monthly subscription for the software and that is it.

What counts as an "active job"?

Only live, published jobs count towards your plan's active jobs limit. Deleted, unpublished or backfilled jobs are not counted as "active".

Can I translate my job board?

Yes. With the "full translation" feature on the Business plan, you can edit and translate every single text label and button on your job board.

Can I prefill my job board?

The "Backfill" feature on the Pro plan allows you to automatically insert jobs from around the web inside your board, with country, category and keyword filters.

Can Niceboard scrape jobs from other websites?

We currently do not offer native scraping (though we're working on it!) but you can use a third-party tool to gather jobs, then use our Zapier integration, API or easy XML import features to load your scraped jobs into your job board!

Do you have any integrations?

Through our Zapier integration, you can connect your job board to thousands of apps, from Google sheets to Airtable, to Slack and more, allowing you to set up automations and expand base functionality.

Is there an API?

Yes. Our Business plan offers a private API functionality, allowing you to view, post and edit all data on your job board and build custom workflows.

Can I easily export my data?

Absolutely. Our dashboard includes "Export" buttons for all data points to quickly export your jobs, employers, and more to CSV files. You can also export all job board data through our API feature or Zapier integration.

What's the cancellation policy?

You can cancel your subscription at any time.

I don’t use Stripe. Can I still use Niceboard?

Not at this time. Right now, we're focused on being the best solution for Stripe, but we will be adding other payment options down the line.

Who uses Niceboard?

Niceboard is used by hundreds of communities, publishers and associations as a way to monetize their audience and offer a platform for hiring talent and offering job opportunities.

Is my data safe with you?

Niceboard is hosted on servers used by companies like Netflix and Amazon, and your account credentials and job data are protected through bank-level encryption.

Start a profitable job board today.

Join leading communities and set up your own custom job board in minutes.

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