Challenge: Medical Alley, a 40-year-old association for the healthcare industry, had difficulties running their custom-built job board efficiently. They needed a simpler and easier to manage setup.

Solution: Niceboard provided a user-friendly and streamlined platform, eliminating the need for a costly custom-build solution. Its modular design, superior interface, and value stood out, making it the ideal choice over a WordPress plugin.

Impact: The Medical Alley job board job board quickly turned a profit while significantly reducing daily maintenance time by over half—from 3 hrs/week to just 15 mins/day.
I maybe spend 10-15 minutes a day on the job board right now, whereas previously it was probably 2-3 hours a week. We’re spending around 3-4 times less time now than we did before.

David on the job board's profitability…



Before switching to Niceboard, the 40-year-old Medical Alley Association had a basic job board (read: bulletin board) that was complicated to manage, lacking a database, and self-serve employer accounts.

For over a decade, they had used the custom-built job board, which was consuming significant resources from their small team. Their developer, David, found the old system to be cumbersome, as job listings had to be manually created from email submissions and there was no database to manage job ads. Employers didn’t have any agency over their job posts, which created even more work for the Medical Alley team.

The rebrand of their website and backend infrastructure presented an opportunity to find a simpler, more efficient solution.

I had looked at a few other options but the quality and the interface made Niceboard the best value. From my perspective, it seemed like a gold nugget.


Medical Alley chose Niceboard since it provided just enough customization and incredibly easy use without the high cost of building and maintaining a custom job board.

David considered several alternatives, including WordPress plugins, but Niceboard’s quality, user-friendly interface, and reasonable pricing stood out as a golden nugget in the job board market. Going for a fully-managed solution also meant David could spend his time on building out other aspects of the website.

Medical Alley could separate the job board from their main website, allowing for easy management and being able to update the website without affecting the job board. This modularity, along with the ability for companies to post jobs independently and the aesthetically pleasing design, made Niceboard the ideal choice.

Their 670+ member organizations also benefitted from the new Medical Alley job board: free exposure of their jobs to the association's extensive network—from startups to corporations.

The interface is very user-friendly, for me as an administrator, for companies, and for job seekers, too. It's aesthetic, works really nicely, and is responsive which is huge since many job seekers use mobile.


The new Niceboard-powered job board exceeded Medical Alley’s expectations, turning a profit in its first year despite initial doubts (& mostly free job postings).

The ease of use for admins, companies, and job seekers and the responsive interface for mobile users contributed to its success. Admin work was cut down to a quarter of the time spent on the previous job board; also because all users can set up their own profiles and keep job ads up to date.

The modularity of Niceboard allows for seamless updates and maintenance, and the platform’s aesthetics match the new branding perfectly.

  • Pays for itself: Despite the majority of job postings being free, the new job board turned a profit in their first year—even without sponsorship.
  • Time savings: The daily maintenance time is now only 10-15 minutes, which is less than half of the initial 3 hours/week spent on the job board.
  • Attracts members: The free job board is a key service offering to attract and retain new partners, prominently featured in their first email to new members.

David on the #1 problem Niceboard solves for Medical Alley…


Overall, Niceboard has significantly simplified Medical Alley’s job board management. It saves time on a daily basis and provides a valuable service to their partner organizations.