Job aggregators provide job seekers with a convenient way to search for job openings from multiple sources at once, saving them time and effort in their job search.

There are several ways to build a job board aggregator, depending on the scope and scale of the project. Here are the steps involved in building a job board aggregator:

Step 1: Define the scope and target audience

The first step in building a job board aggregator is to define the niche of the platform. Will it be a local job board aggregator that focuses on a specific geographic region, or a national or international platform that covers a wider range of industries and job categories? Knowing the target audience will help you determine the types of job boards and career websites to include in your aggregator.

Step 2: Gather relevant job listings

There are several ways to gather job listings for your job board aggregator.

  1. Access jobs using a job search API
    One option is to use a job search API, which allows you to access job listings from various job boards and career websites through a single API. This is a convenient and cost-effective way to gather job listings, but it is not available for all job boards and career websites.
  2. Scrape jobs using web scraping tools
    Another option is to scrape job listings from various websites using web scraping tools, such as ParseHub, Web Scraper, or This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows you to access job listings from websites that do not offer an API.

Step 3: Create a database for job listings

Once you have gathered the job listings, you will need to create a database to store and organize the data. This can be done using a database management system such as MySQL or MongoDB. The database should include fields for the job title, location, company, job description, and any other relevant information.

Step 4: Build the platform

The next step is to build the platform that will display the job listings. This can be done using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or Drupal with the help of HostPapa , or by building a custom platform using a programming language such as PHP or Python.

Another, easier alternative would be to use fully managed cloud-based job board software such as Niceboard.

Step 5: Implement search and filter functionality

To make it easy for job seekers to find relevant job openings, you will need to implement search and filter functionality on your job board aggregator. This can include options to search by job title, location, company, and other relevant criteria.

Step 6: Drive traffic to your platform

Once your job board aggregator is up and running, you will need to promote it to attract job seekers and employers. This can be done through various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

3 ways to monetize your job board aggregator

  • Charge employers to post a featured job on your platform.
  • Get paid by employers for access to a talent pool of niche candidates.
  • Sell advertising space on your job aggregator site.

In conclusion, a job board aggregator is a useful platform for job seekers and employers, providing a single location to search for and find job openings from multiple sources. By gathering job listings from various job boards and career websites, creating a database to store the data, and building a platform to display the listings, you can create a job board aggregator that meets the needs of your target audience.

FAQs around job aggregators

How do I handle duplicate job listings?

If you’re aggregating jobs from various sources, you will run into the problem of duplicate job listings. The easiest way to solve this is implementing an algorithm that compares job attributes such as title, company, location, and job description and to delete or merge any that are an exact match.

How do I stay compliant with regulations and laws around scraping?

You really want to double check the terms of service of each source from which you aggregate job listings. Obviously, don’t scrape from job boards that explicitly prohibit it in their terms of service. Instead, use public APIs provided by job boards, which are usually designed to share data in a compliant manner.
Note: this is not legal advice, please consult a professional.